We interview Jordan Moore, a young aspiring fashion influencer who has grown up surrounded by all things fashion. Read more to hear about her hopes and dreams for the fashion industry!
RACHEL: What made you get into fashion?
JORDAN: Growing up watching my mom get all dressed up for work everyday really made me strive to be passionate about what I wear daily.
R: Who's your biggest inspiration, and why? (fashion wise/non fashion wise)
J: I would say that my biggest fashion inspirations are Kelis, Pharrell, and Rihanna. They never pay attention to the trends going on at the moment and they always express their true creativity.
R: What's your favorite clothing piece or style currently and why?
J: Definitely platform shoes! Whether it's sneakers, boots, or heels, they're the perfect statement piece.
R: What would you like the future of fashion to look like?
J: I would love to see more inclusivity with a lot of brands. Different races, body shapes, sizes, and conditions. Another thing that I would want to see in the future of fashion is gender fluidity.
R: What is your biggest dream?
J: It would be a dream come true to own my own fashion house.
R: Is there anything you'd like people to know about you?
J: I won't stop until my style is imprinted not fashion history!
R: Lastly, what kind of impact would you like to have on the world?
J: I would want people to know from me that you should always feel comfortable in the clothes you wear and that you should never apologize for how you express yourself.
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