Our interviewer Rachel has a talk with Ehahn, who is a 19 year old singer songwriter and producer from Chicago and is currently based in Philly. She fell in love with music at a Taylor Swift concert in middle school and has been writing and playing instruments ever since.
RACHEL: How are you? How are you feeling about your upcoming release?
EHAHN: I'm doing good! Definitely getting tired of this pandemic like I'm sure everyone else is too. I'm really excited for this song to come out! I've been working on it for a while so I'm excited for other people to actually be able to hear it.
R: What inspired your first song?
E: My first song "(Don't) Love Me" started as an idea for a song I had to make for class. I had just gotten over someone and it felt like I was finally free. The song is about that feeling and how I knew without a doubt that no matter what this person did or said to me, I would never go back to them. It came up with the music for it while working on a song assignment for classed then combined it with the lyrics.
R: How has COVID affected your plans for your career?
E: COVID actually kinda helped me have more dedicated time to focus on what exactly I want to do and what kinda music I want to make. I got to think a lot more about what I liked about the music I was making and was able to figure out some of my weaknesses and work a little more at those. Making music and figuring out plans for what I want to do with my careers definitely been a silver lining of this pandemic.
R: What has been your favorite moment when writing music?
E: I think my favorite writing experience was the first time I brought an original song to my band in high school. The song was called "I Wonder" and I remember playing it for them once and then having them add their own ideas of what the song could sound like. It was the first time I had ever heard one of my songs as like a full band production and it was one of the coolest experiences ever. It definitely solidified my want to keep writing songs.
R: Who is your biggest inspiration music wise? How have they impacted their music?
E: Frank Ocean and Taylor Swift are probably my two biggest influences. I grew up basically studying Taylor Swift's lyrics and I've always loved the way she tells stories which I think plays a major role in how I write. Frank Ocean was someone I really got into when I was in high school. I'm obsessed with the ways he pours feelings into not only the lyrics of songs, but the music itself too. Every note is as much a part of the story as the words.
R: Who is someone you dream of working with?
E: I would love to someday get the chance to work with Jack Antonoff. I love pretty much everything he's ever had a part in and I love that you can tell which songs he's worked on. He has such a specific sonic signature that I love and I'd love to see just how he does that and understand his process.
R: How would you like to impact the world?
E: I'd love to just create music people can relate to and make memories with. My favorite part of music is that it's both an escape and a time capsule so I'd love to just give that experience to as many people as possible.
★ @ehahn18 on Instagram
★ Ehahn on Spotify & Apple Music
★ @ehahn18 on Twitter